This past Sunday marked the final day of operation for a
bakery that had been in business for sixty-one years. It was located in the
Bronx neighborhood Riverdale, which is not too far from where I call home. The
bakery was something of an institution—a mom-and-pop business that seemed like
it would always be there. The reason for the shuttering of its doors:
exorbitant rent that was too high for a bakery—even a popular one—to pay and
realize a profit. A longstanding area fish store right next-door to the bakery
closed earlier this year for the very same reason. Both businesses were dealing
with a “fairer,” less greedy landlord—it has been reported—than the notorious
conglomerate that owns a wealth of commercial property in this rather upscale
neighborhood in New York City.
Having run out many mom-and-pops, that aforementioned notorious landlord’s
“Store for Rent” signs are ubiquitous in windows, with many of the storefront’s
remaining empty for years. I guess it pays—in some instances—to raise rents
beyond what individuals can afford. I guess it pays—in some instances—to keep
the spaces unoccupied, too. Now that doesn’t sound like very good public policy
to me. And it is certainly a recipe for destroying the heart and soul—the
uniqueness and diversity—of neighborhoods. But then that’s why landlords are so
civic-minded and contribute in a big way to the politicians who make our laws.
The times are very definitely changing. And it’s not only
the ridiculous rents. In the case of a neighborhood bakery, it’s harder to
compete now for a whole host of reasons. When I was a kid, supermarkets didn’t have bakeries on the
premises. We weren’t traveling to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. Other small
businesses are competing with the Internet and the likes of Wal-Mart and
Target. Ten and twenty years ago, it would have been inconceivable that tony
Riverdale would have a Subway, Starbucks, and Dunkin’ Donuts a hop, skip, and a
jump from one another. But such is life, I guess—ever evolving and ever