Sunday, January 3, 2021

They Said, They Said


As we begin 2021, I thought I’d offer up some random thoughts concerning this, that, and the other thing. The U.S. House of Representatives is poised to go gender-neutral and replace he and she references with “they.” So, I suppose, he got up to speak would be replaced with they got up to speak. To paraphrase a senior citizen whom I worked alongside in retail a long, long time ago: “That don’t make no sense!” He was a “he,” by the way, not a “they.” At least I think they was.

In two-and-a-half weeks The Donald Trump Show will mercifully conclude its four-year run. It’ll be the stuff of history books. And speaking of them, imagine the spate of books in the offing—from weary insiders released from their bondage. In the ensuing weeks, however, this reality show’s going to get weirder still before it rides off into the night. I don’t know why I’m both astounded and ashamed that so many prominent politicians who should know better put partisanship above country and the Constitution, but I am. When I was a youth collecting autographed pictures of senators, governors, and mayors, they were very definitely a better breed. Apparently, some of these contemporary dunderheads reason that their anti-democratic antics—and being on the wrong side of history—will aid and abet their careers. I somehow doubt that.

Okay, enough of all that. It’s worth noting that while COVID-19 has—according to the numbers—reared its ugly head again, we the people don’t appeared all that fazed. I’ll not soon forget the fledgling days of the virus spread here—ground zero at the time—in New York City. It was freak-out time for sure. Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and soap were coveted items and hard to come by. I’ve got this image seared in my mind of local deli owners festooned in hazmat suits with cases of Poland Spring bottled water barriers in front of their counters. Fast forward ten months and these very same folks wear masks around their necks but rarely over their noses and mouths. Nevertheless, the vast, vast majority of men, women, and children are masked when making their rounds. They are taking the necessary precautions and rather serenely living their lives in what has become the new normal.

Okay, it seems to me that during past holiday seasons, some person or persons in my small circle had the flu or a very bad cold. This year, though, everyone was—relatively speaking—healthy. I guess wearing masks while grocery shopping, sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, and riding mass transit has its benefits beyond preventing the spread of COVID-19. Perhaps daily mask wearing will survive this pandemic. Sporting one in the aforementioned circumstances during the flu season certainly makes sense.

Now, on to some good news: It’s Mayor Bill de Blasio’s last year in office. Most of his wannabe successors, though, appear as bad or worse than him. Murder and mayhem have returned to the Big Apple with a vengeance this year, but reducing crime is apparently a low priority with this sorry bunch. I refer you to what I previously said about the current political class. I do, however, like Andrew Yang and voted for him in last year’s Democratic presidential primary. But that was more a demeanor thing—a non-politician among a sea of pandering politicians. Time will tell what his mayoral run looks like.

A couple of final notes: I sincerely hope that 2021 brings back bi-partisanship in comedy. In the good old days, comedians were equal opportunity destroyers, as it were. In the post-Trump era, perhaps some of them will realize that Joe Biden, too, is comic gold—an inarticulate and ancient hack pol who wasn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier during his prime. Let’s, too, rely on science over political posturing—that means you, as well, Democrats, the party of science. Enough also of identity politics and woke insanity—less is definitely better. Honestly, I’m not holding out much hope for any of that, but it is a new year and hope is supposed to spring eternal, isn’t it—for the first week in January at least?

(Photos from the personal collection of Nicholas Nigro)

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