Thursday, January 28, 2021

When Character Actors Had Character

Some enterprising fellow made a compilation of every guest star on every Cannon, a detective show starring William Conrad that ran from 1971 to 1976. I salute him for his efforts. Posted on YouTube, this rather impressive undertaking pieces together announcer Hank Simm’s trademark openings—for years running—of this “Quinn Martin Production.” Honestly, there were a lot of superb character actors back in the day, like Sorrell Booke, Dana Elcar, Jacqueline Scott, John Fielder, Vera Miles, and William Windom. It’s positively unsettling to absorb the fact that most of the Cannon guest stars—a show that I watched as a kid—are deceased. So many of the men and women who were busy plying their trade during my youth—familiar faces that would pop up on TV series running far and wide—are now exclusively on that great small screen in the sky.

Harold Gould guest starred on more than one Cannon. He also played Martin Morgenstern, Rhoda’s father, first on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and then on Rhoda. Gould was, too, the original Howard Cunningham in an episode of Love, American Style entitled “Love and Happy Days.” He had a Ph.D. in theater, taught classes in Cornell University, but was never credited as “Dr. Harold Gould.” But then again, he was no Dr. Jill Biden, Ed.D.

Frank Marth likewise appeared on multiple Cannon episodes. He, though, will always be that big guy from The Honeymooners. Among many roles in the series, the tall, lanky, somber-faced Marth played one of the bank robbers who held the Kramdens and Ed Norton hostage in the Kramden apartment.

Actress Cloris Leachman died this week. She was ninety-four and known for many roles in television and movies, including landlady/neighbor Phyllis on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and then Phyllis on Phyllis (1975-1977). The latter spin-off series, as I recall, was only so-so, just like Rhoda. The Phyllis character was more tolerable in smaller doses, I guess. The show nonetheless featured some recurring characters played by notable character actors of the day: Henry Jones, Carmine Caridi, and Richard Schaal. It also made a little old lady, actress Judith Lowry, a familiar face in the role of Mother Dexter. Congenial old geezer Burt Mustin played her boyfriend, Arthur Lanson, for three episodes. The pair got married in the last one: “Mother Dexter’s Wedding,” which aired on December 13, 1976. Sadly, Judith Lowry passed away a couple of weeks before the airing. Happily, Burt Mustin got to tune in. He soldiered on for another month or so after that, but couldn’t outlive Phyllis in the prime-time lineup.

Those were the days, my friends, we thought they’d never end—when we tuned in to watch Mother Dexter marry Arthur Lanson and Rhoda marry Joe Gerard. Concerning the latter coupling, the writers quickly realized what a mistake that was vis-à-vis comedic plotlines. So, Rhoda and Joe got divorced, but Rhoda never quite recovered her quipping wit from The Mary Tyler Moore Show days. Julie Kavner and Nancy Walker got most of the laughs, playing Rhoda’s sister and mother, respectively. And, as always, it was a pleasure to watch Dr. Harold Gould…in whatever role he played.

So many thespians have passed in the wake of Judith Lowry and Burt Mustin. Television is a wholly different experience nowadays. Everyday living is a wholly different experience nowadays. But there was something to be said for a “Quinn Martin Production” and the memorable intonations of Hank Simms. There was something to be said for character actors getting their due. 

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