Sunday, July 5, 2020

America Unmasked

This morning I witnessed—from more than six feet—a masked and gloved woman pass an unmasked and ungloved woman on the sidewalk. I was made privy to the encounter courtesy of the former shouting at the latter: “You forgot your mask?” It was more of a rhetorical question. I couldn’t hear the unmasked woman’s reply, but the masked woman wasn't done yet. “I’m sick of people like you!” she shrieked. “You’re dangerous!”

Now, in my humble opinion, this is the flip side of the hysterical crazies who refuse to wear masks in stores, even though wearing them is mandatory and store policy. But, come on, it’s a terribly hot, humid day here in New York City. The aforementioned Clash of the Titans occurred in the great outdoors on a back street that is part of a city effort to create more space and ample social distancing opportunities for pedestrians and bicyclists alike. That is, on selected streets partially cordoned off with police barriers during the daytime hours, people are encouraged to share the road with ostensibly only local traffic traveling at no more than five miles per hour. Not everyone is compliant, I daresay. So, the point is that the hopping mad masked woman had sufficient space to practice proper social distancing. For crying out loud, lady, you were outside in ninety-degree heat with a mask and gloves on—that’s some pretty mighty armor there.

Yes, you can be pro-mask and not have one over your nose and mouth every walking moment. I wear mine where required—while shopping and riding mass transit—and would do so even if it were optional. Typically, though, I pull the thing down as soon as I step out into the bright light of day. And guess what? You can, too, be virulently anti-Trump and anti-woke. You can, too, be anti-police brutality and pro-police. You can, too, throw-in wholeheartedly with a slogan, but not the larger movement behind it with its decidedly anti-democratic, censorious, very un-American agenda. Hey, let’s get someone fired and ruin his or her entire life because he or she said something we didn't like—like all lives matter heaven forbid!

(Photos from the personal collection of Nicholas Nigro)

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